On Tuesday 29 April, 2014, Men on the Move, in the presence of Hermès Men’s Artistic Director, Véronique Nichanian, transported guests on a captivating journey into the world of Hermès men.

“Humour is part of my personality and the fantasy at Hermès. We do the most beautiful things but also have fun. Humour could be in a colour, shape or pattern. Why not have fun? Life is beautiful and Men on the Move was the best proposal to show the richness of the men’s universe collection – the ready-to-wear, bags, shoes, silk, even the beautiful Avions Voisin car.” - Véronique Nichanian

For one delightful evening, the iconic Old Kallang Airport was transformed into a magical portal into the Hermès masculine universe. The playful, joyous celebration presented the complete universe of Hermès men within a collection of poetic and whimsical installations imagined by Argentine born artist Leandro Erlich, French digital virtuoso Miguel Chevalier, as well as original site-specific works inspired directly by Old Kallang Airport.

About 1,000 friends of the house embarked on this enchanting expedition filled with surprise, fantasy and humour.

Source: Hermès